Join Master Naturalist Roy Boyle for a fun evening of trivia and learning!
West Virginia Geology: The Last Billion Years
Come play a live, online quiz game that will test your knowledge of the Mountain State’s geologic journey through the last billion years. We will be exploring the story of how moving continents, mountain building, inland seas and lush swamps have made West Virginia what it is today. Brush up on your physiographic provinces, geologic events, and your fossils and rocks and join us for the fun. This evening program is over Zoom so you don’t even need to leave your favorite chair to participate!
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
For event details, click here to go back to the calendar on the PVAS website.
Please click the orange 'Continue Registration' button to sign up for the event.
Please contact Potomac Valley Audubon Society if you have any questions.